11Minutes is first game on the Blockchain and you can earn with every session

Hello everyone... Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called 11Minutes, so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then What benefits do they provide to everyone? Let's go straight to the discussion below.

Are you fed up with putting in so much effort on social media platforms and receiving so little in return? We were of the same opinion. It is past time to make a change: 11Minutes is the first play2earn game series to be developed on the Blockchain, and it is supported by a cryptocurrency as well as open source software code.

11Minutes is the world's first play2earn game series to be developed on the Ethereum blockchain. These games have been created specifically for you to enjoy, play, and win! We have created a safe, fair, decentralized, and transparent system for you to participate in and win life-changing prizes here:

11Minutes is all about skill and having a good time. No one will be cheated, and we will not be selling tickets. This means that you can continue to play for as long as you want, there is no time limit.

If you play at play2earn games such as Free2Play, you will not be able to earn enough money to support yourself. Even in third world countries, the amount you earn does not even come close to being considered minimum wage. One problem is that some high-paying play2earn games are so expensive that no one can afford them without spending months or years of their lives accumulating enough points to be eligible to play.

11MINUTES a one-of-a-kind blockchain game series featuring a single game design and completely different games for each session. Each game will be broadcast live on the internet, and tickets for each session will be available for purchase prior to the start of each session. This provides an opportunity for members of the community to participate ahead of time, purchase tickets, and earn substantial rewards from the secondary ticket market after the event.

Use of NFT Funds
  • Development 10%
  • Game Prize Pool 60%
  • Ecosystem 5%
  • Special Prize Pool 15%
  • Staking 5%
  • Marketing 5%
There will be a stable APY rate for Token Utilities $ELVN, which can be used for staking and rewards. Securing a Cryptocurrency

The NFT Mints

minted To enter the game, you'll need to use the $ELVN token instead of Game Ticket NFTs.

Play2Earn Bonuses

Each day's and each week's rewards will be paid out in Elvn (ELVN).

Non-Fertilized Food Production
The Game Ticket NFTs can be used for NFT Farming to provide additional rewards to all players, regardless of where they place on the leaderboard. The rewards for farming will be paid out in Elvn ($ELVN).

Purchases Made During Play

You will be able to design your own character in future versions of the games. Players will be able to use $ELVN to purchase skins and other accessories to further customize their characters.

Additionally, the Tier System Minutes will serve as an incubator for new play2earn games. Tier NFTs, which can only be purchased with $ELVN Tokens, will be required for users to participate in these launches.

Token Allocation
  • Private & Public Sales 15%
  • Gamepad Funding 15%
  • Burning Reserve 24%
  • Liquidity Reserve 5%
  • Advisors 6%
  • Marketing 5%
  • Staking Rewards 10%
  • Strategic Acquisiton 10%
  • Core Team 10%

More Information 11Minutes


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