Magic Balancer ~ Rebalance Protocol in ETH & BSC Chain. Governance Token

#MGB #MagicBalancer #crypto #blockchain. Decentralized Finance is the topic of discussion because of the innovative character of its services which are inclusive (everyone can get the same service, without minimum transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), non-custodial (service providers do not store data and do not have access to funds from customers) and does not have a middleman because it is regulated by a smart contract so that it saves a lot of costs and has a very flexible space in determining interest rates for both lenders and funders. Introduction Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that provides exceptional rewards to active users through smart contract protocols, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with liquidity rebalancing features. The MGB token is designed to be sustainable and maximize its value by being truly deflationary and encouraging users to be active while offering exceptional rewards. Every reward token t...